Please RSVP for lunch count at one of the following locations. UKREC Princeton - (270) 365-7541 ext 264 or email claurent@uky.edu
UK Spindletop Farm – (859) 257-4898 or email jdgreen@uky.edu
The Weed Training will cover the following topics: Herbicide Resistant Weeds, New Herbicide Tolerant Crop Traits, Application Stewardship, Herbicide Symptomology, Weed Identification and Cover Crops in Weed Management.
This program will be offered to UK Agriculture and Natural Resource Agents, other UK Agronomists, pesticide applicators, crop consultants, crop producers and agribusiness personnel. Commercial Pesticide Applicator Credits offered 2 general hrs and 2 specific (1A,10 and 12). CCA credits have also been requested.
For more information, email J.D. Green or James Martin or call (270) 365-7541 ext. 203